Amanae Week

If you are ready for an opening of the whole body and a vibrant reconnection to the Self, then the Amanae Week is for you. 

A team of international practitioners co-lead this life-changing workshop. This is the place to let it all go, and step more fully into your divine Self.

Over 6 days, all the main doorways in the body are opened in this life-changing workshop. As the energy and consciousness rises in the room, old blocks hidden for years and lifetimes in our bodies start to vibrate, and shake loose. During this time a process of ego breakdown begins, and participants experience aspects of self they may have buried, denied, or never knew existed.  The workshop will challenge you, your notions of yourself, and the rewards are great for those who are willing to experience their essential selves.  Through the breaks in the ego, we can directly access our own true nature, our Presence.  There are hardly any 'vehicles' out there that you can take you as far as you are willing to go like an Amanae workshop can.

“The most profound week of my life so far.”

The staff works with a solid intention for unfoldment from the place of their hearts. Participants are always amazed at the beautiful heart space that the staff holds. To be in our darkest moments and met with unconditional love is a healing experience often beyond any technique.

The workshop begins a process that will continue to unfold for months, years, and possibly for the rest of your life. Most participants report dramatic shifts in their lives and consciousness after the workshop. Exercises are sent before the workshop to prepare you, and support is available after to get the most out of the experience.

“I can truthfully say that I've rarely, possibly never, felt so good in my life as I have since returning from Brussels. I've been feeling energetic and (as far as I can remember) more positive than ever before.  It is as if some ancient, deep feelings of sadness and guilt have disappeared, and I am far more at peace with myself and the world.”

Next Amanae Week: November 26 - December 1, 2024
€1750, includes lodging and meals

Weekend Workshop

2 or 3-day workshops are an opportunity to work deeper on particular zones or themes compared to a 1-day workshop. Previous workshops have covered the spinal column, the lungs, legs, sexual issues, personal power, anger, expression, etc.  From time to time, guest teachers from overseas lead special themed workshops.

See CALENDAR to find out when the next weekend workshops will be.

1-Day Workshop

1-day workshops usually focus on one or two zones of the body for a deep clearing into a potentially problematic area. This can be an introductory step into the more intense experience of an Amanae workshop, or a refresher for those who have already participated in an Amanae workshop.

See CALENDAR to find out when next 1-day workshop will be.